Sunday, March 15, 2020

Turn off your FKG TV and do the research-TEN TIPS ON STAYING ALIVE

To say I'm angry, is just the old tip of the iceberg. I hate being angry and I dislike hate even more. But, I have been doing the research on many levels about our most recent flu outbreak-COVID-19. IT'S MINDNUMBING AND ONE-SIDED. SCIENCE KNOWS ALL.

There is a shitload of information. The one thing I find appalling and beyond belief is the lack of real information about prevention and reasonable preventative everyday things that we can do to help. Just yesterday the CDC finally updated it's site with hand-washing, isolation!(really, some of us must pay our bills, in other words, leave our homes to go to work-if we're not in the hospitality and travel business. Those people are trying to figure out how they will be paying for their life) and STOP HUGGING LOVED ONES!!!!

It was kind of the CDC to remind us-in fact-re-educate us in the art of Handwashing. Bravo!! And a special thanks out to Ellen DeGeneres for demonstrating early on the art of handwashing.

What makes this virus so different than the usual flu? Not much, it spreads the same way, it attacks the elderly and immuno-suppressed the same way, it has the same symptoms. The big difference is it was wholey blown out of preportion in the beginning. We have little research on how rapidly and profoundly flu's have spread in the past. The example of  Wuhun is what it looks like when a small flu virus mutates and spreads in an area of the world that has a LOT going on. It is the hub of the chinese hi-tech research, scientific research ( alarm bells) and more:

 " three national development zones, four scientific and technologic development parks, over 350 research institutes, 1,656 hi-tech enterprises, numerous enterprise incubators and investments from 230 Fortune Global 500 firms" Focus on Wuhun-Government of Canada

Is it any wonder that the chinese scientific community was on it ? It was not contained because Denial was the name of the game. As we know the first chinese physician to  recognize the problem was booed right out of there early on and eventually succumbed to the virus (according to the news). We also know that when a quanantine was announced hundreds of people left the area (not knowing they possibly carried the virus with them). Common sense. Mass hysteria does that. 

And here is a really great statistic-it is predicted that 95% will survive.Compared to cancer:
Almost 10 Million people die from cancer annually.
"Cancer is one of the world's largest health problems. The Global Burden of Disease estimates that 9.56 million people died prematurely as a result of cancer in 2017. Every sixth death in the world is due to cancer."

Okay, so I can go on and on. Here is what I do want to share. If you want to remain as healthy through this cytokine storm (the reaction that happens when the virus gets going in the body) there are a few things you can do.

  1. Stop stressing-it decreases your immune system.
  2. Stay rested
  3. Wash your hands
  4. Increase your Vitamin C-up to 2500mg a day or more
  5. Get exercise.
  6. Get out in the sunshine.
  7. Be kind to one another.
  8. Zinc tablets
  9. Tonic water (quinine based)
  10. Turn off the fucking TV and do you own research.

Saturday, March 7, 2020

Growing older with Grace and Unconditional SelfLove

I am immeasurably happy. I am so grateful for this shift to what is really important today. When I decided to really go nuts over my hair and cut out the unreal, the face that shined through just filled me with self love. I finally, unconditionally love who I am. How did I come to this? When I look in the mirror I see a lifetime of learning. I see well earned smile lines. I see a sparkling minx in my eyes. I see a silver crown of hair that I have hidden from myself for 30 years of color.

It is like waking up to sunshine on your face on a cold day. I get it. I have got it to give. It is a totally consuming feeling of deep love within. As I sit here looking out at this beautiful space I get to call home, I am in Love with every tree, leaf, rock, bird and the blue sky. All the gifts right here in front of my face. And it fills me and I want to burst with gratitude. How lucky am I to have all that I want and more?!?!?

According to my stars I am here in service to mankind-I had my astrological chart read in college. I did not understand it for so long, yes, I am a nurse and life coach, but , what took a long time to realize is-where my purpose grows is not always evident and I may never know where I have impacted a life. Yet every act of kindness, every smile shared with a stranger has an impact. Every moment of calm in a storm offers a gift when offered from the heart. I spent so much time fighting this belief  being angry and hiding the sweetness of myself inside for fear of discovery. But no more. Service to humankind is about loving others beyond belief, beyond our pre-concieved, hallucinated viewpoint of others. So simple, just love. Find one small thing about another person you might rather dislike and smile and be kind. I find that this brings out the Angel in everyone, maybe not right then, but soon.

 I live in gratitude and love for every person who has ever crossed my path, for the lessons I learned and un-learned as a result of your presence in my life. I love you still.

 Just one tender act changes lives.