"Women have more power than we know. When we truly understand the game for what it is
and deepen our awareness of the most dangerous forms of female
oppression-emotional and psychological-then we are on our way to genuine liberation.
It does not help to blame anyone. What we can do is face the truth.
And any truth faced is closer to realization.
True change doesn't emerge from action;
it emerges from genuine understanding."
Marianne Williamson-"A Woman's Worth"
I just finished re-reading this book. It was written in 1993, more than 20 years ago and has more relevance today than it could have then. Yet back then it blew my mind. She was speaking to the potential for the future. She was saying out loud what even today many still whisper.
We. as mothers, sisters, lovers, humans, need to be loud. Not in a screaming, bitchy way, but with strength from within us. Start small, if you must, but speak up to injustice you see and hear about our sisters. It does not matter that they are politically misaligned from your beliefs, or their skin is a different hue than yours, or that they come from another world than you do. We have all been held back because we are women. Rich, poor, famous, infamous, silent, loud, we are all calling for each others help to awaken. To expose the Divine strength of our core, the Goddess within.
As little girls we knew her, we read her stories, we whispered to her, we shared our misgivings with her. She was our shadow, our inner voice, our favorite doll. She understood us as no one else did. She was our secret. She reassured us when we were scared, soothed us to sleep at night when the lights were out and we were alone. She was our divine Self.
Then, she became the heroine of the books we read. She became the glittery face on TV, the superstars of fame and fortune. And she was no longer inside us, in fact, she became a flicker of a flame we no longer needed. Quickly she was replaced by the she-ego or she-go for short. The critic, the complainer. Without the strength of that divine goddess; she-go raged. She started telling you things and untruths. "She's a LOT prettier than you." "She is SO much more popular than you are." "You're being HYSTERICAL." "You're too SENSITIVE." "You're a woman, women don't get jobs like that." And you started to believe her. You started sucking it up and the divine voice inside you became quiet. If divine feminine inside wasn't getting you what you needed, well she-go recommended to toughen up, workout to the core, be smarter, stronger (in an outwardly way) and buck up. All ploys to remind you you weren't worth it. You would probably fail.
Again from "A Woman's Worth":
"The Romanian dictator Ceausescu argued that
armies and weapons were not necessary to keep people down
as long as they are kept scared enough.
And this is how women are oppressed in our society.
We are afraid to allow ourselves to blossom fully because of the general
disapproval that fills our air whenever
a "little lady" forgets her place."
Men's greatest fear is that women will run the world as they have. This just is not possible. And furthermore, why would be we? As long as men have been in charge of the worlds affairs there has been ongoing war. And war is profitable and presently, it's all about the money. And the outcry from women all over the world is STOP KILLING OUR CHILDREN.
We must get in touch with that divine Self and nurture her back to health. She is your intuition, your empathy, your depth, the very real mother warrior in you. No matter where you come from or what you do, or what your past has to do with it, that divine Self is there waiting to birth you back to your power. She waits for you to smile that smile of knowing. She wants to feel that inner flame turn to a blaze. She wishes you to be the Love that you have always been.She wants you to share it, not just with those you know and love but with everyone and everything. Practice everyday saying it to everything. "I love that little bird, I love that breeze, I love the sweet smell of lilacs, I love you Self (in front of a mirror is best;), I love you Mother Earth, I love you God/Goddess." Love everything and you will find the Goddess in you will arrive and return you your Sceptre or magic wand if you chose. Love your sisters because we are all in this change together. Be kind to everyone. Know that in doing so, you will change the world. Never let them hold you down. You are meant for greatness!