Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Definition of  "Conflict: Friction or opposition resulting from actual or perceived differences or incompatibilities."

There are some of us who grew up in families where conflict was a common event with disastrous results. Screaming, resentment, punishment among them. We grew up thinking this was normal and went out in the world with swords drawn and dripping with blood, fists bruised and bleeding and we thought this was normal. It was our way to resolve conflict as we knew it. It drew many of us into abusive relationships and behavior, it was our only defense against the world. We did not know any better. Many of us travelled a long time carrying this burden and some, realizing the meaningless caustic outcomes of this, learned new and empowering ways to resolve misunderstandings and conflict. Others of us became what I would call "addicted" to the feelings around conflicts, mainly anger and resentment. Even now, as I learn to release  anger and resentment there is a small part of me that yearns for a good fight, a screaming match, all that rage blossoming. The appeal for justice, the cry for righteousness. The fact is not a lot gets accomplished in this scenario but a lot of blood letting. A release of steam (the anger, resentment and fear). Yet it is familiar and deep somewhere in our darkness it feels good. That is the the Ego. 

Now as I study the Course in Miracles I find myself drawn back to some of those old wars and conflicts to examine them through a different lens. Some of the statements are hard to grasp yet in examining them I know that there is another way to see the world. The Book says that conflict is meaningless. This is powerful to think about because it calls for us to really look at conflict and to release our preconceived idea of the outcome. Most conflict has little to do with what is happening at the moment, but is a cannon ball of events in our lives accumulated into one big ego bomb that shows up any time we feel invalidated. Sometimes this is the only way we can feel alive because we have loss sight of Love and Joy and Laughter.  It is like we are swimming through the mud of this craziness in our world rather than taking a boat or paddleboard over it through our prayers and lovingness. 

Conflict is not understandable. Can anyone make sense of it? Examination, on the other hand, brings understanding and appreciation  which brings Love. Understanding may take work and separation from the conflict, yet, the outcome of this learning is resolution and peace. And sometime understanding just means that you do not agree and can still appreciate the humaness of another. 

What this world needs right now is more appreciation of others. Inside everyone of us is this bright and beautiful flame of Love. From the moment of conception on we have had this flame and it is always there inside as we develop into the person we are today. Fanning that flame brings more light and love to you, holding it back keeps you mired in the mud and darkness. Look for the light in others and you will see the light in you. 

I see the Light in you!

The time has come....

"We can't look to the world to restore our worth;
 we're here to restore our worth to the world." 
-A Woman's Worth by Marianne Williamson

I am in awe of the movement of women in the world right now. It is my quiet dream realized in my lifetime. Who really knows when and where we, as women, lost our equality and our power or why, we only need to know that it is no longer truth. We are the peacemakers and in a man's world of war and profit this is scary. We are the stable ground in the family, we see all sides of the arguments, we organize all tasks to be done, we write to-do lists because we have the ability to pause and see things as they are in the now. And this takes strength in a society and world that plays down our power through mass media bullshit. No offense but there is no better word. 

Recently I heard that Mattel is now making "Barbie Inspiring Woman Series". I also noticed she is still bone thin, long legged and pretty much perfect in the world of misogyny. Little girls playing dolls with twigs who look like the Kardasians and wanting to be like them, rather than like the women of our times who are actually creating a safer and more respectable world for women. What is wrong with that picture? 

Last night I watched Dave Letterman's new show on Netflix. His guest was Malala, nothing more than a 20 year old young women who at 15 nearly had her face blown off because she spoke up about education for all women. At fifteen!!!!! And like the phoenix, she has risen to continue her commitment to this cause. She speaks of forgiveness as her motivation to move forward in bringing the importance of education to young women all over the world. At 17 years of age she was the youngest person to receive the Noble Peace Prize. She is unstoppable. What is her secret? Her absolute belief in her mission and a family who supported their children in following their own dreams. We all have this.

The #MeToo movement has lit  a fire under our sisters in the world. Not just the disgusting and degrading treatment of women in the moment, but the sheer number of repostings in the millions.   Women have been under a siege of sexual, physical and mental misconduct for years, maybe centuries. I am moved, not only by the MeToo's, but by the women that openly say it is a lie. Maybe they have been fortunate enough to have been protected from it, but, to deny your sisters experience is rough. Denial is not a river in Egypt, it is a thought process based on fear and shame. The act of sexual misconduct upon another human being is wrong. Ignorance is our cross to bear if we do not see the truth in this monumental time in history and take action now.

Yet in modern day history, this is unacceptable. And we haven't even really visited the assault in the medical arena, the one area of the women's working force dominated by women. And it is there, lurking, waiting for the war cry of the many nurses who have had to put up with the pats on the asses, the whispered remarks, the innuendo's. In a male controled environment catered to by millions of women over 200+ years, the abuse is there. I know, I witnessed and experienced it. 

In our desire to be "equal" we do not want to be "like" men because it is obvious that we are not, we want to be actively part of the world in progress. We want to speak our minds without being interrupted. We want the right to support our sisters. We are going to be heard. We will  turn the other cheek and keep on. Each time we are struck down, we will rise and keep walking. It is time. 

More and more women gather. In marches, in communities groups,in women's groups, bookclubs, dinners, in many countries. We are learning to be more respectful to one another, to be kinder, to not judge. As Jesus said, "Seek first to understand". Powerful and sometimes difficult words. We are rising and we will be heard.

So, seek the greatness in your sisters and let go of what does not serve. Put your loving and understanding energy into elevating each of our sisters to their full potential and grace. Let go of fear, recentment and anger. Look for and see the light in them so that they, in turn, will see the light in you.
The energy of the Universe is inside each one of us to be used for the greater good. Get in touch with it, use it to heal yourself and your sisters. Be the light you seek! Our radiance will change the world!