Sunday, September 6, 2015

View from the middle

"Every woman deserves the chance
to realize her 
God-given potential"
-Hilary Rodham Clinton

Can you imagine a 20 year woman going out there today and saying these words in front  a governmental committee? I have often wondered where Hillary Clinton got her courage and strength back then? Who encouraged her to be a strong woman, who taught her that 'no' meant look again and find another way to make a difference? Who gave her the stamina to stand against the on-slot of negativity rarely spoken of for some of the crookedest politicians in our history? 

I peer out today at the world I live in and I compare it to the world I went to college in and I am hopeful as well as depressed at how the nation's view on women has changed considering the amazing women who pioneered woman's rights. I am elated that we actually have women hero's such as Eleanor Roosevelt, Amelia Earhart, Maya Angelou, even Madonna and Angelina Jolie Pitt, and Malala Yousafzai.
 Gloria Steinem, who started what is called the "feminist movement", in 1969 and  published an article that became the hallmark of feminism and the Equal Rights Amendment, got us all thinking about women as sources of strength. 

What really confuses me is why when women, who have worked hard, are highly educated, with vast experience and dedication can be so belittled by their own kindred gender. 
So many of us complain about the fact that women in positions equal to their colleague  men, are paid less. How there is an increase in domestic violence and rape against women, and still little is done for womens rights by our politicians. You know what I am talking about.
 How can women expect to see change in our nation and for the safety of our children, specifically our daughters, when men who claim to be our heros/politicians are allowing the kind of advertising that promotes near nakedness, antidepressants, women as advertisers for viagra ,and  ads for pads for women (even though old men wear them too) and so much more? We are constantly being bombarded by misogynistic ideals on TV, internet and the cover of magazines. But, we still feel the need to belittle our kindred gender. I guess the advertising is working. 
 So, I ask you my kindred gender, are you perfect? Are you capable of standing before Congress and the people for women's rights?  For equality? Do you have Faith? Are you capable of forgiveness? Are you strong enough to stand up to your abuser? 
The world will not change until you do. Congress and the politicians will not change until we, as women and kindred gender, stand and cast our votes for a better world run by multi-taskers who have experience, compassion and vision for a more peaceful and healthy world. 
"We must be the change we wish to see." Ghandi

My wish for you is that  you reach out today,
 to a women who has impacted your life
 and tell her so.

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