Sunday, December 29, 2019

Bombshell? How long must we wait to recognize the War on Women.


The bombshell is that woman are still being made small by mankind in America. Whether or not I stand politically with these women, I admire the strength and courage it took to stand up for the raping of woman by this type of " predator". Nassor, O'Reilly, Epstein, Ailes, Laur, Cosby, Weinstein, Trump, to name a few.  These are just the public ones. These are just the ones that got caught.We live in a country that rewards macho behavior, bullying, intimidation of women. We, "the most powerful nation in the world", have watched as women, strong enough to make it through "boot camp", be humiliated, raped, demoted, discouraged and eventually thrown out of the armed forces for being women. We have  seen actresses come forward risking everything to call out predators in their field of work. And this- women being forced to have sex with discusting old men to have and keep their jobs.


God Bless the women who put their faith in men  like these. May you never allow your daugthers (your 4 year old, 8 year old, 13 year old, etc) to be alone with them. And don't pretend you don't know what I'm talking about. If it feels uncomfortable, you better believe your intuition it is.  Trust it. Walking away and being wrong is better than being right and living with the humility  that hundreds of young women and their mothers, live with after their trusted physician fingered them regularly for years. NASSAR.

 It does not matter what your politics are or what color you are or what race, somehow there are American men out there who  think they have the right to abuse their power and the women/ children who have been minimized in their presence. Not okay!

Imagine all the women in our "civilized society" who find this acceptable because they  don't have a voice. Maybe you even know one. That friend who always looks put together and smiling, yet you (in your female intution) know that something is not right. Maybe you see a bruise or you reach out to touch her and she flinches. What are you doing to protect her? What are you doing to support her?

We live in a time in history where we have been promoted to tear each other apart. We want to be clones of the Kardasians. We want to look like Stepford wives. Why? Because of the mixed messages we are getting from the media moguls. "If you don't have great legs and a tight ass, you just are not enough." "Thin is in". Spanks-does anyone find this an odd name for something that squeezes you up tight and is immensely uncomfortable? Who are you? Not what you look like, but, who are you?

 And not much has changed in women's history from the 1916's, when women protested for the right to control their bodies, the right to chose to have children and to not have them, their right to vote, to own businesses. They were thrown in jail and went on hunger strikes. The very sad thing about this, "most powerful country in the world", is we as women, were behind the rest of the world when it came to women's rights. In 1840, the Kingdom of Hawai'i's  universal manhood and women's suffrage was introduced. It took until 1919 for women in America to be able to vote. It wasn't until 1954 that we became recognized as equal, able to vote, hold office, access public services and own our own business (with our husband as co-signer). And, yet, here we are just exposing this total injustice 65 years later. No country in the world should be more embarrassed.

Time to step up sisters. If you feel it, trust it-you are not dead yet. Talk to your sisters, talk to those men out there who respect and honor you. Be the voice for those whose voice has been silenced. This country has been run by money and men for long enough, time to let women bring peace to the country.

Women leaders in the world?

 Jacinda Arden,Michelle Bachelet, Joyce Banda, Anna Brnabic,
 Maria-Loise Coliero Preca,Angela Merkel, Katrin Jakobsdottir, Margaret Thatcher, Sheikh Hasina and so many more.

Where are our women of strength and power? Who's voice do you follow? Men, money, war, sex  trade, and dominance are not family values. Find who is speaking the language of peace and follow them. Don't step back, step up. It is time.

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